Hi, I'm Jules

Full Stack Developer & Designer

About Me

JavaScript | Ruby | Rails | React | HTML | CSS/SCSS | PostgreSQL


A full stack project management application allowing freelancers to manage their clients, projects, associated tasks and view analytics on their progress on current projects.

  • ReactJS frontend with Ruby on Rails backend utilizing PostgreSQL database
  • Utilized Moment.js library for timekeeping
  • Utilized Material UI for styling and components

My YT Library

A full stack application allowing users to access their personal library and create playlists for their favorite videos and save related notes.

  • Ruby on Rails and React
  • Implemented hooks for state management
  • Vanilla CSS for styling


A full stack productivity application allowing users to perform tasks using a pomodoro timer and track the weekly productivity of their tasks.

  • Developed Rails API backend with RESTful endpoints
  • Utilized Moment.js library for timekeeping
  • Created a responsive design using HTML & CSS


Jackson Heights, New York


+1 (646) 508-0578